Thirdweb Manager

The ThirdwebManager is a prefab that provides a convenient way to instantiate the ThirdwebClient, and contains helper functions to create contracts and wallets. Add the prefab to your scene and the client will persist throughout your game's lifecycle, keeping track of your connected wallets.

It is entirely optional, and you can opt to use the .NET SDK directly if you prefer to do so.


Configure ThirdwebManager through the Unity Inspector window.

Below is a list of all the settings you can adjust.

Client Settings

This section involves the basic settings to configure the SDK:

  • Client ID: Thirdweb API Key. Used to access thirdweb services such as RPC, Storage and Account Abstraction.
  • Bundle ID: The bundle ID used to access thirdweb services from native platforms. Should be the same as the bundle ID in your Unity project e.g. com.companyname.gamename.
  • Initialize On Awake: Whether the SDK should initialize on awake or not. If not, you can call ThirdwebManager.Instance.Initialize("chain-identifier") to initialize it manually.
  • Show Debug Logs: Whether to show thirdweb sdk debug logs.
  • Opt Out Usage Analytics: Whether to opt out of Connect usage analytics, such as amount of wallets connected to your game, etc.

Wallet Settings

This section allows you to define wallet specific settings:

  • Supported Chains: A list of chain IDs that the wallets should be able to connect to by default.

Interacting with the ThirdwebManager

Once your ThirdwebManager is set up, you can interact with it using the following methods:

Get Contract

var contract = await ThirdwebManager.Instance.GetContract("contract-address", chainId, "optional-contract-abi");
var result = await contract.Read<string>("name");

Returns a ThirdwebContract instance that can be used to interact with a smart contract.

Connect Wallet

var walletOptions = new WalletOptions(WalletProvider.PrivateKeyWallet, 421614);
var wallet = await ThirdwebManager.Instance.ConnectWallet(walletOptions);
var address = await wallet.GetAddress();

Returns an IThirdwebWallet instance that can be used to interact with the blockchain, in this case, a PrivateKeyWallet.

Child Prefabs


The InAppWalletModal prefab is a simple and customizable OTP verification modal for InAppWallet providers. It is used to verify and finalize the user's wallet connection.

It will be automatically activated when connecting to an InAppWallet provider.


The WalletConnectWallet prefab is an out-of-the-box WalletConnect modal that can be used to connect to 400+ wallets.

It will be automatically activated when connecting to a WalletConnect provider.

What Now?

Explore the .NET SDK to learn more about interacting with smart contracts, wallets, storage, rpc, account abstraction and more.